
How To Connect To A Linux Machine From Windows

With remote admission, a user can admission the files and the information in another organization from a remote location without having real-life physical access to the organisation, pretty absurd. Right? Remote access is benign and helps a lot in saving time.

Why establish a remote connectedness to Linux from Windows?

Suppose yous are running a business organisation, and you lot have a meeting with board members in about 10 minutes. All of a sudden, yous remember that your presentation file is on your home system; remote access can potentially salvage the mean solar day.

Or y'all are running a windows organization in one location and your Linux system in another room, and you lot want to run some commands on your Linux or retrieve some files from your Linux, and your Linux is inaccessible, or you are just also lazy. Either way, in all cases, remote access provides great convenience and saves much time.

Linux Ubuntu:

Now out of all the popular Linux distros, Ubuntu is past far the nigh popular i. All of the other Linux distros combined brand up a full of a mere 35% of Ubuntu (google search trends). Upon searching Linux, 161 million results appear, while the side by side most pop Linux distros i.e., the Debian Linux, has a mere 65.ix one thousand thousand search results, so keeping in mind the above stats, I will be using Ubuntu for this tutorial. To institute the connection, you would demand to access the Ubuntu machine physically. Simply don't worry, this is a 1-fourth dimension thing.

In that location are many methods through which you can remotely access your Linux from windows.  Here I will be sharing 3 means through which you tin can access remotely control Linux Systems from Windows.

  1. SSH
  2. RDP connection
  3. VNC connexion

Observe the IP address:

Regardless of what method y'all apply,  finding the IP address of your arrangement is required nigh in every instance. Following is an easy fashion to find the IP of your Linux system.

Go to the final in your Linux motorcar and blazon the following command:

$ sudo apt install net-tools

Now enter the following command:

Later on writing the above command, your terminal window will await like this

You will observe your IP accost next to "inet" in the beginning section. In this example, as y'all can see from the to a higher place screenshot, the IP address is "10.0.ii.15"

If the method mentioned above doesn't work for yous, you can try the following means:

In the final, write the following command. Call back, this works for some of the Linux versions similar Ubuntu.

Method 1:Remote Access using SSH (Secure Crush)

For this method, you should install the PuTTY software, equally information technology's better than using windows default SSH function. PuTTY establishes an SSH connectedness between your Linux and your Windows desktop, which gives you admission to the Linux terminal.

After Installing the PuTTY software write the name of your Linux arrangement, or information technology'south IP address under the "Host Name (or IP address)" label.  Brand sure to set the connection to SSH if information technology isn't. Now click open. And voila, you now take access to the Linux command line.

Annotation: This will give only you access to the terminal, i.e., there will be no mouse control. Even so, this is useful to install software using Terminal commands

Method two:Using RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol)

RDP is the easiest method and then far. The RDP tool is already installed in the windows. So the windows system doesn't require any work (software-wise). Nevertheless, this is non the example for your Linux system. On your Linux organisation, you volition need to install XRDP tool. For this open the final (Ctrl+ Alt+ T) and type the following command

Press "y" and hit enter. Information technology will so proceed to install.

Followed by

$ sudo systemctl enable xrdp

The get-go command will install the XRDP tool. The 2d command will allow the machine-enable on startup option. In other words, the xrdp tool will automatically start when the Linux boots. Afterwards this process completes. Go to your windows system and in search bar type "RDP." Click on the "Remote Desktop App."

Type the IP address of your Linux system adjacent to the "Computer " label, and click connect

Enter the Username and the Password of your Linux organization.

TroubleShooting: Although connecting through RDP is the easiest method for remote connecting, some problems occur during connecting with Ubuntu. This started happening after the Ubuntu 18.four LTS release. Linux doesn't similar information technology when it is accessed remotely when the user is logged in. So a simple solution is to try RDP after logging out of your Linux

Method three:Setting up a connectedness using Virtual Network Connectedness (VNC)

You tin can also connect using VNC. As mention above, SSH provides access to the terminal (no mouse control). VNC provides admission to the Linux desktop (full mouse control). However, there is some prerequisite for connecting using this method, i.e., you have to install some VNC software.

Go to your Linux system and type the following command to make sure it'south up to date

At present input the following command

$ sudo apt install tightvncserver

at present run it

Now create a password for your connection. You lot will be given a desktop number, mostly one. Remember this number.

After this, install the VNC client on windows.  These TightVNC tools are installed in bundles, and so once installed, get to the windows search bar and search "TightVNC Viewer. " Launch the app and enter the IP address of the Linux device.

At present enter the IP of your Linux system followed by the desktop number, as shown in the above screenshot.


Now that you know these methods, you should know which way is best for your employ.

  1. RDP uses xrdp which is open source
  2. SSH can be used to remote access the last
  3. VNC can be used instead of RDP, but it's a little less secure

It is recommended to set SSH regardless of what method you lot use as it makes the installation for the other two methods much more easier.

Ubuntu has a born remote desktop tool, which is VNC-uniform.

About the author

Hi at that place! I'grand a Software Engineer who loves to write about tech. Y'all can achieve out to me on LinkedIn.


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