
How To Take A Screenshot On Pc Windows Vista



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Posted 27 November 2014 - 05:26 PM

I'd like to know how to accept screen shots on my hp pavilion entertainment pc if anyone can help i'd be very grateful ....

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#2 Animal


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Posted 27 Nov 2014 - 05:35 PM

The Cyberspace is and so large, and so powerful and pointless that for some people information technology is a consummate substitute for life.
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A learning experience is one of those things that say, "You know that thing you simply did? Don't do that." Douglas Adams (1952-2001)

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#3 dc3



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Posted 28 November 2014 - 11:eighteen AM

The snipping tool is a good way to capture an image of the exact portion of the screen you want.  But if y'all are running Vista Basic y'all are going to exist out of luck.

If y'all take a version of Vista other than Domicile Basic, the Snipping Tool is included.

To open the Snipping Tool click on Start, All Programs, Accessories, Snipping Tool.

If you don't see it there, it may not exist activated.  to activate information technology go to Control Panel and open Plan and Features.

In the chore pane on the left, click Turn Windows features on or off, click Continue when prompted by User Account Control.

Scroll through the list of features, check the box next to Tablet PC Optional Components, and click OK. Turning on these features gives you non only the Snipping Tool, but as well the Tablet PC Input Panel, Windows Periodical, and other stylus-related features.

If you still would rather brand a screenshot, here y'all go.

How to brand a screenshot

two. Follow the wizard to capture a screenshot

iii. Use the built-in editor to resize, edit, or re-capture your screen shot.

4. Your screen shot will be saved to your desktop when you finish the magician.

You can postal service the screenshot in your next post as an attachment.

Merely beneath the area where you write text in a post there is the Mail button, to the right of this is More Reply Options.


When you lot click on More Relpy Options yous will see Attach Files and Browse, click on Browse, this will open Pictures on your computer, click on the image you desire to mail service, then click on Attach This File, and then Add Reply.


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#4 Gandalf237


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Posted 29 November 2014 - 04:00 PM

If you're just interested in taking the screenshot of the "agile window" you lot can e'er just apply the "Alt+PrntScr" keyboard shortcut (press the alt primal and the PrntScr primal at the aforementioned fourth dimension) which acts similar a screen re-create, then open up "Paintbrush", click on "Edit", then "Paste".  This method has been around since Win95 and has always served me well.

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#5 dc3



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Posted 29 November 2014 - 04:16 PM

If you lot're simply interested in taking the screenshot of the "active window" yous can always just use the "Alt+PrntScr" keyboard shortcut (printing the alt key and the PrntScr key at the same time) which acts similar a screen copy, and then open up "Paintbrush", click on "Edit", then "Paste".  This method has been effectually since Win95 and has always served me well.

At the risk of sounding picky, it is "Paint". :grinner:

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#six Phantom010


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Posted 13 January 2015 - 08:51 AM

PicPick is my favorite. One time the screenshot has been taken, you lot tin edit information technology hands and with many options, so upload it to or Imageshack in a snap. You can then copy/paste the images into forums in a few seconds.

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#vii chrisupi007


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Posted 08 Feb 2015 - 02:16 AM

I apply Gyazo.


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#8 constanswhite


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Posted 06 September 2015 - 04:48 AM

I'd rather utilize Costless Screenshot Capture. Because I tin employ its annotation tools to highlight the parts that matter.


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